SAGE 960B Multi-Channel Test Instrument
SAGE 960B既可以全面完成對下一代語音通信系統性能的測試,又可以實時監測網絡業務,是功能強大、測試*的多信道下一代網絡實時語音通信測試系統。
SAGE960B 集成了 TDM 接口、以太網接口和模擬接口以及同步測試功能,它可以產生大容量端對端的呼叫用於系統性能測試,同時還可以監測承載信道,實時給出系統性能狀況。
SAGE960B 具有強大功能和*性能,廣氾適用於 IP 語音業務運營商和廣大 VOIP 設備製造商,以及各評測、認証中心。
1. 被動和/或主動檢測以及測量音頻電平和回聲
2. 評估話音質量 - 可以測量出 PESQ、MOS、延遲、噪音等參數
3. 校驗系統 VAD、抖動緩衝器、舒適噪音、靜音壓縮等性能
4. 驗証回聲消除器性能 - 雜散回聲和可編程延遲
5. 評估 IP 語音系統中抖動緩衝器大小參數設置
6. 對 RTP/RTCP 進行過濾,解碼以及分析
7. 檢測和監測未經認証/非法 VoIP 呼叫
8. 校驗*/Modem 傳輸性能
1. 回聲消除器性能測試
2. 被動回聲監測器 (INMD ITU-P.561)
3. 多回聲檢測
4. 回聲電平,回聲延遲
5. 回聲消除器關閉音
6. 雜散回聲模擬
7. 通話重疊測試及模擬
8. 回聲消除收斂測試
9. 回聲消除器深度
10. 可調的背景噪聲
11. 可選擇的話音信號( .WAV / PCM )
12. ITU-T G.168 測試及回聲消除控制
A Powerful Next Generation Voice Suite
The 960B is a multi-channel IP Telephony precision test instrument combining TDM, Ethernet and Analog interfaces and simultaneous test capability to comprehensively test and monitor Next Generation Networks in Real-Time.
Voice Processing & IP Telephony Transparency design verification
VoIP service readiness, turn-up testing, and trouble shooting
VoIP security monitoring
The 960B can generate one or many end-to-end test calls from the packet, TDM, and/or Analog interfaces while monitoring the bearer channel (TDM, RTP, Analog) to flush out real-time performance issues.
Passively and/or actively detect & measure AUDIO LEVELS and ECHO
Assess voice quality – MOS, DELAY, NOISE, etc.
Qualify Echo Cancellers – Dispersive Echo and programmable delay
Verify FAX/data modem transparency
Verify VAD, Jitter Buffer, Comfort Noise, silence suppression performance
Emulate Fax and True IP phones with jitter buffers and real RTP
Filter, decode and analyze RTP/RTCP
Detect and monitor rogue/illegal VoIP calls
Whether you are a Next Generation operator or designer, the 960B reduces rollout and design cycle time for new packet voice services.
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